Reps and weights aren’t the only variables that can make an exercise harder. You can create progressive overload through sets, reps, weight, tempo, rest times, etc. Here are a few ways you can make your workouts more difficult by manipulating just a couple factors — 1. Tempo Want more #gainz without increasing reps or weight?
Increase your time under tension. Think -- slowly lowering yourself down from a pull-up, or
slowly bringing the bar down to your chest for a bench press.
Want to create more power?
Decrease your time coming up.
Think -- powering up from the bottom of a squat, or
driving the bar up during bench press. Want to hate your glutes? 😆
Think -- holding your position at the top of a hip thrust, or
holding your position at the bottom of a squat. 2. Range of motion (ROM) Manipulating your range of motion can recruit more muscle if you increase, or isolate a muscle if you decrease.
- Increasing your squat depth.
- Placing a plate underneath your front foot for deficit lunges.
3. Add a pulse I don’t enjoy the word “pulse” because it can give off bounce-with-no-control vibes, but I mean a controlled pulse that gives you just a l i t t l e extra time under tension.
Just a little quarter or halfie extra.
1 1/2 RDL
1 1/4 Goblet Squat
1 1/4 Bicep Curl What’s your go-to when you want to make an exercise harder?